AACA, Inc.

  • Our Mission

    The Armenian American Wellness Center is a state-of-the-art diagnostic and healthcare facility.

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  • Donate Now

    Every donation counts! Together we can make Armenia a Healthier Nation.

  • A Healthier Nation

    At the Armenian American Wellness Center, "wellness" is not just a concept, but a goal. We can, and will, strengthen the Armenian Nation!

    Learn More

“God could not be everywhere, and therefore
he made mothers.” - Rudyard Kipling

Capital Improvements

The Wellness Center underwent a major renovation, seismic reinforcement, and significant expansion to include use of all six floors of the dilapidated building, donated by the Armenian Government in 2001. Further renovations were made in 2023 to expand surgical capacity.



The Armenian American Cultural Association (AACA) is the founder and the US sponsor of the Armenian American Wellness Center.

We are proud partners with

Contact Us

Armenian American Cultural Association, Inc. (AACA)
1300 Crystal Drive, Suite 1504
Arlington , VA 22202
Tel: 703-416-2555
Fax: 703-416-2557
E-mail: info@aacainc.org

5 Heratsu Street Yerevan 0025, Armenia